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Tips to be followed while Proposing a girl.. How to propose a girl..??

>> Thursday 28 July 2011

How to Propose to a Girl The million dollar question.....!! Proposing a girl is not an easy task...For all the rocking Guys visiting my blog,herez a wonderful article for you all..Click read more..!

How to propose a girl. As hard as it is to understand a woman's heart and mind, so it is hard to prepare for one of the beautiful moments of your life: asking your lover to accept your love.

What is actually important is the way you plan it up..!!

When approaching this exciting and romantic event you might want to take into account a few points to think of:
• What do you enjoy doing together – throughout your relationship you've sure realized what she enjoys doing, and places she enjoys visiting. These experiences should give you excellent ideas of how to propose to your girl.

• Things she told you during your relationship such as: I love bouquets of yellow flowers, I am crazy about chocolate, I think Paris is the prettiest place in the world. All these hints can come as useful guide-lines for you while planning how to propose to a girl.

• Your image of the 'perfect love or marriage proposal' – you are part of the proposal too! It’s not only about her, but about two people uniting as one. Note that you like your idea of how to propose your girl. It’s a beautiful moment and you should both enjoy it.

• Give her a surprise.Dont try a routine method..Think of something innovative and plan in such a way that she will be really excited on getting the plan revealed and should feel that no one is ellgible than you..Hope you will have a wonderful relation that lasts for ever.....


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